Sunday, April 13, 2014

Guangzhou - April 12-13

The main reason we travelled south to Guangzhou is this is where the US Consulate is located.  Every family who adopts from China has to come to Guangzhou.  It is where we get Jedidiah's US Visa in order to enter the US.  Our consulate appointment is not until Tuesday morning at 8:30am, so until then, we get to explore the city.  And actually, for a day afterwards as well.  We cannot leave Ghuangzhou until 36 hours after our consulate appointment (that will be Wednesday night). This process is very precise, that is for sure!

Our experience already in Guangzhou is completely different than it was in Hohhot.  In Hohhot, we were the only family from our adoption agency, so it was just us with a guide and a driver.  It was nice, in a sense, because we were more in control of our schedule, but being the only westerners in a more remote place had a bit of an isolating feeling.  Here in Guangzhou, our hotel is filled with Americans who are adopting. Everywhere we turn, we meet more and more families adopting.  It is very cool to hear everyone's story and meet their child or children.  It has been especially nice for me to connect with other moms who are adopting.
Our hotel in Guangzhou at night. We are totally enjoying our very bright and spacious suite here!  And they serve an amazing breakfast!

Saturday, April 12
In the morning, Jedidiah had his medical exam, which is required by the US Consulate.  Brad had to take him there without me.  I had been sick since Thursday and Friday's hectic day just made things worse, so I was still out of commission on Saturday morning.  Brad is such a trooper.  He had no problem going it alone.  And, in the end, me being sick was really good for Brad's relationship with Jedidiah.  Initially, Jed was going much more easily to me.  He had been very attached to his women nannies at his foster home, so it totally made sense that he would gravitate towards me.  Not to mention, Brad's size was probably pretty overwhelming to such a small guy.  In Hohhot, we actually had people ask our guide if they could take a photo with Brad, the tall man. :)

In the afternoon, I was feeling a bit better, so I did go for a late lunch with them.  This was our first western food since we have been in China.  We ate at Pizza Hut of all places!  And the pizza actually tasted pretty similar to the pizza back home.  Before we came to China, we heard of other people eating a lot of western food in Guangzhou and we could not figure out why people who want to at all, but now after a week straight of solely authentic Chinese food (not what you get at Chang Jiang), we were ready for some familiar tastes!  Jedidiah had spaghetti for the first time and ate a ton of it, so that is a good sign.  He loves Chinese noodles, so we thought spaghetti was a good bet.

We then went and bought some items we needed at the equivalent of a Chinese WalMart.  It was huge, of course, because every shopping area is huge here.  And unlike the Sun Prairie WalMart, this one had a bin of chicken feet for sale and lots of live fish to buy and make for dinner.

I went back to the hotel to lay down after this excursion, but Brad and Jedidiah went and explored the hotel grounds together.  Brad picked up KFC for dinner - still on the American food kick - and they came back to the room to eat it.

In Mandarin, the word for dad is 'ba-ba.'  So that is what we call Brad.  After spending most of the day together, just the two of them, Jedidiah and ba-ba have really bonded!

Sunday, April 13
Finally, today (Sunday), I have been feeling more back to normal - thank you God!  It is very hard to be sick in a foreign country!  I really think God used my sickness to help Brad and Jedidiah bond more, which has been awesome, but I am very ready to feel better!

This morning we went with another family from our adoption agency to the Cantonese Folk Museum, which was a very interesting place.  We saw artists do stone name stamping, finger painting (these pictures were amazing!), and scroll painting.  Some very interesting techniques!
 In front of the Cantonese Folk Museum

 The Wanninger Family from Alabama

Miko, our wonderful guide here in Guangzhou

One of the artists at the museum

 In front of the museum

The entry way into the museum

We then headed to a shopping mall named Liwan Plaza.  The place was huge, but every shopping center is here in China.  It is amazing the amount of items for sale...floor after floor after floor!  This mall is known for its pearl and jade items.
 Liwan Plaza

We got Chinese noodles and brought them back to the room for lunch, which were excellent, then put Jedidiah down for a nap and afterwards headed out to the grocery store.
The coffee table in our room is perfect for Jedidiah to eat at

 The street we walked along to the mall

Entering the grocery store

Since it was a smoldering 90 degrees here today, Brad and Jedidiah quickly changed into swim trunks and headed out to the pool.  I tagged along to take pictures and see Jedidiah's response to the pool.  He was cautious about venturing too far in, but he seemed to like it.  Definitely the first time he had been in a pool!

We then headed out to a restaurant a lot of the American families eat at - Tekila Authentic Mexican Food. Yes, in China we are eating Mexican - how pathetic!  And again, we were surprised how much the food tasted like our Mexican food in the US.
 Must be the Chinese way to spell tequila?

 Our Chinese waitress dressed in Mexican clothing!

Jedidiah attempting a Mexican look with a sombrero

Jedidiah eating a quesadilla

In case anyone is wondering...Brad is surviving without his Diet Mountain Dew!  The closest substitute here is Coke Zero. It is painful for him, but he is surviving!

Street vendors along the sidewalk on our walk home from dinner

We are headed to bed.  Another busy day tomorrow...this time at the Guangzhou Zoo.

THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for all of your prayers and support along the way!  We have read every comment that has been posted on Journey for Jedidiah and the blog posts.  THANK YOU!  We could not be doing this without all of you!  God has truly blessed us!  We have felt your prayers in a big way here!

God has overwhelmed us with His presence.  He has met us in a special way here in China and we are so grateful.  We have felt His loving arms around the three of us here and our 4 children back home and it has kept us going at times, kept us trusting at other times, and kept us on the path He has for us!

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